Year Two of Writing at Moose Lodge

I just passed my second year at Moose Lodge, and exactly as I intended, I've never been more productive. I have the ability to crank out far more work here than anywhere I've been. I'm not just consulting for other companies; I'm also writing five different blogs and working very long hours as I always have. I also write a lot more about automotive topics than ever before.

Some talk about "work-life balance," and to me, that's about doing what you love, and what I love is problem-solving and writing about it. Moose Lodge is work-life balance, and I just write about things I find interesting.

Things will change in 2024, and I will be far more focused on client activities and will likely write less, but I won't stop. I'll just refocus a bit.

Just to put my writing in context here at Moose Lodge, I crossed 21 million "views" on Quora just as the year ended. I was in the Quora digest 591 times since 2017 when I began, making the digest 70 times just this year, and I've been sent out to 106,858,000 recipients in total, with over 40 million in 2023. I've written over 440 blog posts and 81 Substack posts this year.

There are better writers out there, but I'll give anyone a run for content, all while still working on client solutions in parallel. You'd think I wouldn't have time for anything else, but I do.

What's changed for me is that I don't spend a lot of time trying to sell people on an idea or solution as I once did in my work. If they don't get it the first time, I move on. I realized I was just wasting time. Clients who get it, get it, and we get busy on implementing solutions.

Meanwhile, as I came into 2024, I was thinking about the direction of my writing and the massive amount of work GPT-4 edits for spelling, grammar, and punctuation only without changing my voice. I never stop to think about how I'm perceived by a reader, and it was merely a question. Unless someone writes me, I have no idea at all how my writings are perceived. So, I asked GPT-4;

“Based on all my writings, how would you describe my personality?”

GPT-4 Answer-

“Based on your writings and activities, you may be characterized as a driven and accomplished individual with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Your leadership role as a former chairman and CEO suggests you have significant experience in corporate management and strategic decision-making. Selling a company to a major corporation like Qualcomm indicates a high level of business acumen.

Your involvement with Exotics at Redmond Town Center points to a passion for unique and luxury automobiles, suggesting a taste for fine craftsmanship and perhaps a sense of community building around shared interests.

Writing five different blogs, including topics like management, entrepreneurship, and personal insights, indicates a deep commitment to sharing knowledge and experiences. It also suggests you possess strong communication skills and a desire to engage with a broad audience. Your success on platforms like Quora, where you have millions of readers, further highlights your ability to resonate with people and provide insights that others find valuable.

The fact that you write from Moose Lodge could imply a preference for environments that are comfortable, familiar, or inspiring to your creative process.

Overall, your profile paints a picture of an individual who is highly motivated, knowledgeable, and successful in both business and personal endeavors, with a penchant for sharing experiences and insights with a wide audience.”


It reads a bit like a newspaper horoscope with broad generalities and false praise, so I wanted to know more to get at some critical feedback. I followed up with, “Okay, so what's the downside?”

GPT-4 Replied-

“While it's challenging to identify specific downsides without more detailed personal insights, certain general challenges or potential downsides can be associated with the traits and experiences you've described:

  1. High Expectations and Pressure: As a successful entrepreneur and writer, you may face high expectations from both yourself and your audience. This can lead to significant pressure to maintain success and continually produce high-quality work.

  2. Work-Life Balance: Balancing the demands of multiple projects, such as running a business, writing multiple blogs, and participating in community activities, can be challenging. This might lead to struggles with work-life balance, potentially impacting personal relationships or self-care.

  3. Public Scrutiny: Being a public figure with a large following on platforms like Quora involves exposure to public opinion and scrutiny. This can sometimes lead to unwelcome criticism or stress, especially if opinions are polarized.

  4. Risk of Burnout: Engaging in numerous high-commitment activities simultaneously can lead to burnout. High achievers often push themselves hard, which can be unsustainable in the long run without adequate rest and recovery.

  5. Difficulty in Delegation: As a former CEO and a current leader in various domains, there might be a tendency to take on too much responsibility. Finding it hard to delegate tasks can lead to overburdening oneself and may impede the growth of a team or a project due to centralization of control.

  6. Adapting to Change: In rapidly evolving fields like technology and online media, there is always a need to stay updated and adapt. This constant need for adaptation can be both mentally and physically taxing.

It's important to note that these are general considerations and may not specifically apply to you. Everyone has their unique ways of managing the challenges that come with their achievements and lifestyle.”

This still sounded too canned for me, and because I still wanted to get something out of the exercise, I followed up with; “What direction should I take my writing to make it more popular?”

GPT-4 answered-

“To enhance the popularity and impact of your writing, consider the following strategies tailored to your established profile as an entrepreneur, blogger, and influencer:

  1. Leverage Your Unique Experiences: Your background as a former chairman and CEO, and your experience in selling a company to a major corporation like Qualcomm, provide a wealth of unique insights. Share stories and lessons from these experiences, as they offer valuable learning opportunities for your readers.

  2. Trend Analysis and Future Predictions: Given your entrepreneurial background, you could write about emerging trends in technology and business, offering predictions based on your experience. This type of content often attracts readers interested in staying ahead of the curve.

  3. Personal Development and Leadership: As a successful leader, sharing your knowledge on personal development, leadership skills, and management strategies can resonate with aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals. Tips on navigating the challenges of leadership roles could be particularly engaging.

  4. Interactive Content: Engage with your audience by incorporating interactive elements like Q&A sessions, polls, or discussions on your blogs and social media platforms. This not only increases engagement but also helps you understand what your audience is interested in.

  5. Collaborations and Guest Posts: Collaborate with other influential writers, entrepreneurs, or thought leaders. Guest posts or joint articles can introduce your work to new audiences and add diverse perspectives to your content.

  6. Case Studies and Success Stories: Share case studies or success stories, either from your own experience or by analyzing other successful companies or entrepreneurs. This type of content is both educational and inspiring.

  7. Book or Extended Work: Consider compiling your insights and experiences into a book. A comprehensive guide or a memoir can reach a wider audience and establish you further as an authority in your field.

  8. Utilize Multimedia: Diversify your content delivery by incorporating multimedia elements like podcasts, videos, or webinars. This appeals to a broader audience with varied content consumption preferences.

  9. SEO and Digital Marketing Strategies: Optimize your online content for search engines to increase visibility. Utilizing SEO techniques and digital marketing strategies can attract more readers to your blogs.

  10. Stay Authentic: Lastly, maintaining your unique voice and staying true to your perspectives is crucial. Authenticity resonates with readers and helps build a loyal following.

Remember, the effectiveness of these strategies can vary based on your target audience and the specific topics you cover. It's important to experiment and find what resonates best with your readership.”


So there you have it, this sums up 2023 and what I need to work on for 2024. Feedback is always welcome, especially constructive criticism. I wish GPT-4 would say something a little more, dare I say, real. Meanwhile, there is a lot more to write about and hopefully a year from now Large Language Models will be able to give it to me straight.


Another CES Awaits!


Stay Authentic!